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DeChazi Line Co.

DeChazi Line is Japanese Used cars Exporter. Ever since its foundation in 2023, It has been delivering automobiles to numerous clients worldwide. We have been building trusted relationships with all of our customers, and stedaily expanding our month sales.

DECHAZI LINE IS A MEMBER OF JAPANESE AUCTIONS Being a company customer you will be able to participate various member Auctions, such as USS, TAA , Arai, Ima, LAA, KCAA, NAA and Ju Auctions.
There are over 100 auto auction sites in Japan, and many used cars are traded daily from Monday to Saturday.
The majority of vehicles that exhibit vehicles are second-hand vehicle operators that specialize in vehicles. A third party organization that evaluates the quality of vehicles is set up at the auction site, and by establishing a quality inspection system and maintaining the reliability of the auction, it is possible to make an auction via the Internet without directly confirming the vehicles. Thousands of vehicles are bought and sold every day.